Thursday 3 May 2012

Vancouver Hang Gliding was swarmed by Groupon business

Still more information emerged about the death of Lenami Godinez today, when it was revealed that Vancouver Hang Gliding had just sold six hundreds trips through Groupon, with an expiry date of July.  This would have meant having to perform six flights a day, seven days a week to honour all of these clients.

Robert Orders, the pilot who is now under investigation for obstruction of justice for swallowing the memory card of his camera, which is believed to have been filming during the incident and to hold evidence central to the case, is also the owner and probable one-man band of this business, and had been trying to recruit shuttle drivers to handle the sudden surge in business.

A clearer picture is starting to form, one of a man who decided to run a business based on the sport he loved, and who tried to make a huge profit without due concern for safety.  I'm getting the mental image of someone who's trying to run people through as mere numbers, as a pile of work that needs to be whittled down, instead of viewing each customer as a person who was putting her life in his hands.  His actions following his landing certainly don't reflect a person who has nothing to hide.

We here at Relentless Ineptitude are liking Mr. Orders less and less by the day.

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