Milan Lucic controversy overblown, says Don Cherry.
Some quotes, if you don't want to waste your time melting your brain so it leaks out of your ears by clicking on the link.
"It's much ado about nothing."
"He shouldn't have said it, he's just lost the seventh game, but he's honest anyhow."
"I'm a little disappointed in Weise saying anything to him. I mean, here I am, uh, you know, victim, I mean uh, so what, he said it, you think a lot of things haven't been said in those handshakes and that?"
"I'm more concerned that the Bruins lost. We outplayed them, outshot them, outhit them, and we didn't have the goaltending they had."
"I'm here to talk about the hockey game, I've already said what I said about Lucic, I wish he hadn't said it but he said it, what are you going to do?"
"They were the better team, they just didn't have the better goalie."
I'm sorry to see the historic legacy of Hockey Night in Canada being killed off by Gary Bettman for a pennywise contract with Sportsnet, but I'm not sorry that it is the current incarnation of HNIC, with doddering Bob Cole and xenophobe Don Cherry and doorknob P.J. Stock that is taking the hit, it's almost a mercy killing.
I'll miss the musical intro montages, I'll miss the quality production, the camera work and slick visuals, but by now I've stopped watching the show, I'm fully converted to RDS. And I thought that Radio-Canada no longer hosting "La Soirée du Hockey" would be an irreplaceable loss, but eventually Pierre Houde proved to be a worthy successor.
So if HNIC was going to put out shlock like this and never improve, it might as well be taken behind the barn.
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